Knock Down Rebuild
Home Rebuilding
in Canberra
What you need to know
Knocking down and rebuilding sounds daunting, but consider the advantages:
You have a home that’s all new, as opposed to half old
- You don’t have to design around what’s already there;
- You get to stay in the neighbourhood you love;
- You avoid the stamp duty and selling costs of moving; and
- You’ll preserve the equity you have in your land.
Planning Your Home Rebuild
So, don’t worry about all of this being daunting. Whitcombe & Feng Real Estate will make your experience trouble free. We invest the time upfront so that you get the home you really want in the end.

What we’ll do for you:
Coordinate the whole project from start to finish
- Carefully assess your site and discuss the possibilities and potential with you;
- Work with you to understand how you want to live, then create your ideal home design;
- Integrate the demolition, site works and building processes for maximum efficiency and minimum inconvenience to you and your family;
- Organize all permits and approvals; and
- Provide a fully inclusive tender and fixed price building contract.
To learn more about our knock down rebuild process and register for a FREE site inspection, contact our experts today.